Saturday, June 20, 2009

hmm. on the stickcam

stickam is being strangely slow to load, but i shall keep trying. i've made it public tho' and if it starts up, you should be able to find it by looking for "blogcamp!" and joining in the chat - otherwise, we're here, so tawk to us in the comments, people. ya know. like usual. :-)  we're also on twitter at the moment. you should see us all sitting here at our computers at the dining room table....

we will be here this evening, on the blog, chatting here in comments and posting what's going on.


Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

Looks like BlogCamp Conference.

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

That's Extranjera in the first photo isn't it?

julochka said...

nope. guess again...

if you're talking about whose hands are whose, that is.

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

Oh wait. Julochka's hands! It's the ring I'm recognizing.

Janet said...

such efficiency! you know i bet if you all collaborated on a book, the world would be saying, "There's a new Dostoevsky in the making!" (or tolstoy) :)

Janni said...

Hi everybody.

Just wanted to say hello and wish you all a great camp!
Have fun.


Anonymous said...

fabulous, dawling, truly fabulous!

Fidgeting Gidget said...

It looks like a journalism room in there!

Question: What do all of your significant others/analog friends think about this little trip? I know one of you said that some are totally accepting and others think you're crazy....what about the rest of you?

Just Jules said...

see, this is why I couldn't be there - I don't have a laptop... I knew there was a reason - beside the fact that hubby is a buzz kill and said no cuz RL sucks and it never seems to work in my favor....

or it is cuz I don't have a laptop. This is all hilarious - did you go out and get Wi Fi installed for the camp? How are you all hooked up at the same time?

w.v. - nodist - the ability to communicate while blogging through various yet subtle changes in head nods

Char said...

hahahahaha, all conferency-like.

I expected some sock feet propped up on desks

An Open Heart said...

Okay....this isn't working....I sooooo totally have s__t to do today, but, can't peal myself away from the computer long enough to do any of it.....I'm going out to the garden for a short and I do mean short while...and I'll be back to check on you ladies.

Sarah said...

Oh, I am so incredibly sad and jealous and yet happy for you all. Spent most of yesterday searching for cheap plane tickets so I could go in September, but $1000 is a bit out of my range. Maybe if I put a paypal button on my blog and looked for donations? Seriously...

Mari Mansourian said...

oh man... what fun, that's a great shot :)

Jelica said...

Great photo! As someone pointed out already, looks like a busy newsroom. And the laptops are color-coordinated, too, amazing...