Wednesday, June 17, 2009

we're going to be live

I've now tried out stickam and when it's time you'll be able to see us at! I haven't read all the manuals, but from what I understand we'll be able to video/text chat with all of you who won't be in Denmark.


Extranjera said...

This will be cool, although I'm also left wondering whether the world should really have ANY more of me out there, potentially saved for posterity...?

Seaside Girl said...

I have spent most of the evening trying to get the new camcorder and laptop to talk to each other. So far there is no sound but my golly gosh there is action. Just so everyone doesn't miss out on the bits when we are not on the stikam thing ....

Just Jules said...

now how am I going to get anything done around here? oh yeah I don't get anything done any more anyway!