Saturday, June 20, 2009

note to self: not only axes are dangerous

for some reason I had such a headache today.

to not get you seriously worried: I had a migraine today, which meant I missed day 2 of blog camp. so I'm just as envious as the rest of you today.


Lorac said...

That sucks! Get better!

julochka said...

see, you totally, utterly and completely rock. this is the best picture of the day. we miss you!!!

p.s. i'm going to need that knife back. :-)

Molly said...

There's no hint of accusation in what I'm about the say but in your shoes I would've been seriously tempted to fake a migraine for the day to hang out in Julie's writing house gazing at her treasures and drooling over her book collection. Not that I think you did or anything. I'm just saying.
Hope you feel better soon !

kristina said...

thanks Lorac!

julochka - you're clearly not to be trusted with knives, so I think I'll hold on to that ;-) xox /K

Molly - you see right through me ;-)

Char said...

hope you feel better

kristina - no penny for them said...

oh what a bummer. hope you are feeling better.

great picture - see, that one really tells a story... :)

Janet said...

ouch! i feel for you. i get migraines too - and the timing always stinks! hope you feel better SOON!

Unknown said...

We missed you today!!! And you really made us laugh with this! Brilliant!

rxBambi said...

Oh that sucks to be so close and yet so far away! Hope your migraine gets better. Don't forget you can always check out my pharmacy blog and ask a question about migraines :)

Feel better soon!!

Seaside Girl said...

So sorry you couldn't be here with us. We missed you.

kristina said...

thanks all :-)

Kristina* - :-D