Friday, June 19, 2009

it's happening!

I'm home after spending the day with the blog camp ladies, exploring Copenhagen. Coffee, wine and beer has been drunk. Many, many photos have been taken. And you know, they're just as funny and great to be around in real life as in the blogosphere!


Sarah said...

Umm, whoever has the hot pink suitcase, you are a girl after my own heart :)

Elizabeth said...

Well, I see I'm not the only one who can't wait to see some pictures. That will probably be tomorrow because you just being to busy having fun. LOL

spudballoo said...

TWO photos? Is that all we get We...neeed..more....sob!! Have fun..

Fidgeting Gidget said...

The picture of all of those huge cameras made me get a little excited. I can't wait to see more!

Indiri Wood said...

Wish I was there! Can't wait to see more pictures.

An Open Heart said...

I have HUGE, HUGE camera envy right camp envy goes without saying!

k said...

That camera pic makes me drool. so desperately longing for a digi SLR of my own. looks like so much fun over there!!

rxBambi said...

ok, is it because I'm semi-newbie...I need a stinkin who's who of blog camp. Jul made me guess and I copied VEGs answers which were wrong so I don't know. HELP me out here LADIES

Char said...

I need more details people

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

I'm with VEG on the pink suitcase!

Oh. My God. I swear to you, my WV is typers!!!