Monday, June 22, 2009

how husband survived blog camp

husband spent quite a lot of time during blog camp looking like this:

naah, in all seriousness, he was an exemplary husband. he fetched pastry and fresh bread, he brought us strawberries and cream, he opened bottles of wine, he chauffeured us back and forth on our saturday evening activity. in short, he's a keeper.

and he even had a little bit of time to relax and read the paper in the sunshine. plus, he's really kinda cute, for an old guy with a bit of a farmer tan on his arms.


Unknown said...

Husband was GREAT! And he really is called husband by everyone, even the blog camp girls!

Extranjera said...

Husband's awesome. He really is.

Polly said...

all true, husband's patience was astounding. thank you so much, husband!!

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

A keeper AND a looker. You're a lucky woman, Julochka! Does this mean you owe him some kind of "man camp" with his friends?

Char said...

husbands like that are keepers

iasa said...

He is handsome, more so for that smirk that's says he's plotting some practical joke revenge on you.

Sarah said...

YAY for wonderful and accepting husbands. They truly rock! Maybe I can convince MY hubby to come to blog camp and then they can hang out doing man-type things.

Seaside Girl said...

Husband was marvellous and a fine exampe of husbandom.

Bee said...

He sounds exemplary . . . and I always feel more comfortable with men who have a bit of a farmer's tan.

(It's men who are the same color all-over that you have to be a bit leery of.)

Mari Mansourian said...

awwww... what a guy... what a guy... a sweety