Friday, May 8, 2009

just practicing

this morning, husband was sent out for morgenbrød. just to practice. he did a pretty good job, but we'll keep practicing before blog camp, so that he's really good when the time comes.


Polly said...

That bread looks divine! I'll be bringing extra large suitcase to stock up on bread I think

Jelica said...

Is that poppy seed on that piece of bread on the plate? If yes, then you'll have to stock up extra quantities just for me, me, me. I love pastry with poppy seeds. I am not good with sharing pastry with poppy seeds.

Unknown said...

What a good use for the husband! :) Looks delicious!

Mrs.Rotty said...

mmmm... real bread.

Just Jules said...

What? not all bread comes in disgusting formed loaves that fit conveniently into plastic sleeves and resemble ...... what is it - not that - not really bread with layers that can even be seen on a pic across the ocean. Oh how American's have ruined food!

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

I think "husband" is a keeper.

Extranjera said...

I'm starting to like this replacing my anniversary celebration with morgenbrød better and better.
Well done husband.

Seaside Girl said...

You will have to build up husbands stamina to enable him to bring back the quantities of this stuff that we are going to require. Be gentle with him.