Thursday, December 3, 2009

planning the fun for blog camp 3.0

even tho' christmas comes first, i'm already getting really excited, making plans for blog camp 3.0 in january, right here at blog camp HQ. i've got one activity planned that i'm really excited about. and people are buying their tickets and it's all falling into place and that's exciting too!

i'm looking forward to seeing kristina, b, polly, jelica, bee and spud again and to meet elizabeth in person (tho' i feel like i've known her for ages).  and i will figure out where they're all gonna sleep before they get here....i promise.


Unknown said...

Cannot wait! I don't know what I'm more excited about. Ah, the blue room, ah, Copenhagen, ah, seeing everyone again! :)

Elizabeth said...

In just about 6 weeks I will be in København, I will see the famous blue room and I meet 7 ladies who love to blog.


Polly said...

is the photo a clue as to the activity planned? does it have anything to do with quantity? should I start practising drinking :-)

looking forward to it, of course!

An Open Heart said...

Man, wish I was going to be there!


Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

I'll be in Sarasota in January, February and March so no blog camp for me. I still dream of it though and will enjoy it vicariously through y'all!