Sunday, November 15, 2009

blog camp 3.0 - denmark

several people have asked whether there wouldn't be one last blog camp while we've still got the blue room. and since houses in our area are taking an average of 7 months to sell, we think it's safe to schedule a blog camp in mid-january - right when everyone has recovered from christmas and is wondering how they're going to make it through the darkest, coldest days of winter.  a little blog camp to make it easier to cope.  laughter, hanging out in the blue room, taking pictures, blogging, drinking warm drinks, sitting around the fireplace. you know, all the usual blog camp stuff.

so start checking tickets. january 15-17, 2010. denmark. be there or miss out on your chance to partake of the blue room.

email me if you're interested. email address is in my profile (julochka). :-)


kristina said...

yay! just what I needed to hear!

Jelica said...

lucky you, kristina! you can just pop over :)))

Zuzana said...

This sounds very intriguing.;) What an incredibly wild initiative on your part.;)

Polly said...

this is really great news to get back to! I'm in!

Jelica said...

is it open for old blog campers or would you prefer just newbies? i am very tempted, especially that polly is in :)

Unknown said...

I want to go too! But as Jelica said, is it fair for old campers to go? I want, I want!!!! :)

Elizabeth said...

I will be there, if the invitation is still open.

MissBuckle said...

Bah! I blinked, and then all the spots for Blog Camp were gone. Sob.

Bee said...

The blue room is officially legendary. I want a picture of me reclining on that couch, drinking one of those lattes, and trying not to spit froth when one of you good people makes me laugh.

Unknown said...

Yay! We're going to blog camp! said...

Ah, if only Denmark weren't so far away.....

Laura said...

I just want to be in that cozy blue room above...and sip wine and make soulcollage cards and hang out...even though I don't know you...but this room looks so inviting!

Jude said...

What a beautiful room!