Tuesday, August 4, 2009

a hint

i shopped here for prezzies for blog camp 1.5 i wonder what all that pretty packaging contains?


Unknown said...

Uuuh! Can't wait!!! I'm making some of the presents...

Extranjera said...

Watch out, and learn to fake appreciative: I think B might be crocheting.

Mari Mansourian said...

ok.. I'm really jealous... some day...some day... if you'll all have me??

Unknown said...

Uh, crocheting... that's an idea!
No, I'm making something else... which doesn't necessarily mean that you won't have to fake appreciative... so, yes, get practising!

kristina said...

I'm very curious! those boxes are so cute!

Polly said...

those boxes look like mini blocks of flats, a little surreal

oh prezzies... something special... need to think hard... I better stay away from crotcheting tho

Sarah Anne said...

Are those Post It notes? Or Jacob's Ladder toys?

Bee said...

Those look like chocolates to me.
(Wishful thinking?)

BTW, does anyone have margarita glasses? I know this is a bit strange, since I'm the native Texan, but I've never acquired any!

p.s. sunbolt is the word verification

A very good sign I'm thinking!


Hello, you have the most beautiful blog here, I'm loving reading it and your pictures are just stunning... thank you so much !!!!