Friday, December 31, 2010

postcards to blog camp

a little postcard from wintry denmark
blog campers - after the long year with the Blog Camp 365 photo project in flickr, we have decided to continue the sense of community, with a little less "must go take a picture every day" - and there is a new group, called Postcards to Blog Camp - if you would like to hang out in virtual blog camp and share the occasional photo, please join us!!  and in the meantime, this is my little postcard to all of you to wish you a happy new year! hello 2011!!


Sandra said...


Polly said...

another brilliant idea and my (modest) New Year resolution is to rediscover occasional moments of creativity in life, especially when it comes to photography

another plan for 2011 - Blog Camp Krakow!

Anonymous said...

Amazing Photos :D **New Follower**