Monday, August 17, 2009

heard and seen at BC 1.5 (aka BBC - British Blog Camp)

seen: beautiful B with a big, big smile.

heard: "when the back tire's not moving, it makes biking so much harder." - bee

seen:  polly and spud try to understand aperture (aperture is hard).

heard: "he goes camping on those frozen mountains." - spudballoo (those would be glaciers, dear.)

seen: twittering on iPhones (this one is kristina)

heard: "there was this huge campsite with...campers." - bee

seen: lots of conferring as to timing and traffic (traffic sucks in england). 
(yup, that's stonehenge behind them.)

heard: "oh no, there's loads of grockles here." - spudballoo

seen: polly posing (what a surprise. not.)

heard:  "in america, we may not have health insurance, but we've got a gun and the will to succeed." - julochka

seen: spud deciding she needs a macro lens

heard: "don't rush to crush." - spudballoo

seen:  stonehenge

heard: "we're sociable loners." - bee (quoting another blog friend whose name i didn't write down)

seen: cool shoes

learned: berkshire is pronounced barkshire.


An Open Heart said...

Yay BBC! Cool photos and cool quotes! Wish I had been there....I'm soooooo jealous...I love England....I think in a previous life I must have lived there, because it always talks to me....

McGillicutty said...

Spud knows what she's talking about Grockles are the worst when you're trying to get somewhere fast!!!!!

AOH... I always suspected you're English by the way you write your blog...weird huh...

rxBambi said...

Ditto AOH, I love Brittan. And still, don't know what grockles are...
Are they proper nouns? Hmmm. Must tell.
So jealous, still. But looking forward to BCreno.

spudballoo said...

Grockles are tourists, of the type which infuriate me in Oxford Street/Tottenham Court Road when I'm battling to get to work. And which clogged up the roads in Somerset during the summer when I was a child.

Great summary! x

Cyndy said...


The only thing that could make these BC experiences better is a live link for those of us who are grounded. Can we make a date for BC 2.0?

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

Ditto to Cyndy's plea.

Are you sure this was England? Everything is so sunny and warm looking!

Unknown said...

OMG! That photo! What am I doing? I love the recap, though!

Elizabeth said...

What amazing camera you all have.
I need to get a better one.
How I love eves-dropping on BBC.
Let me know how you get on with "A Fortunate Child"
love your photos

Molly said...

Ok, is B wearing Gola's??!! Rivals only to Converse in their coolness ...

And I love those red ones Spuddie!

Mari Mansourian said...

oh what fun...
"sociable loners"... we are indeed
you guys all look like tourists with all your cameras at stonehenge, oh wait... you were tourists.... hehehe

SH -ic said...

I love to see you happy ladies .. i just came back from Miami where i met a blogfriend .. we know ius since 2 years and we had great fun and it great still being connected by the internet ..i would like to mee blogcamp in denmark see what s up til then ..ciao andrea

Bee said...

You took such good notes! And I'm sure all of my particular sayings made more sense in context (not!).

It's so enjoyable to just wallow in the memories.

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Thanks for the vicarious introductions. I do like living vicariously. -Jayne

Kristen In London said...

I have come to this blog late: but I live in England only during the school years and leave for America in the summers, so perhaps I will always be an outsider... however, I am here to say that bloggers CAN be real friends... what a panel that would make at some very cool conference some day. Really enjoyed reading about your fun in the summer British sun!