Friday, September 24, 2010

ahh, berlin, i miss you already

i'm looking back wistfully to last week at this time. we were having dinner in berlin, laughing and chatting and eating fabulous (yet strangely inexpensive) food and laughing some more. and kristina was the best hostess ever. you can see the pictures she was taking in this shot if you go here.


Elizabeth said...

This is a perfect picture for me, thank you for showing it.

isabelle said...

Oh... What a wonderful photo of Kristina...

kristina - no penny for them said...

wow, julie, thank you so much! i'm a bit lost for words now.

Jude said...

Gorgeous shot Julie! I too am a nostalgic for Berlin!

beatrice De said...

I whent to Berlin several months ago. This city is very atractiv and interesting. Beautiful museums. There , I realised a dream, to see Nefertiti. Lucky enought it was permited to photograh.
Il fut un temps où c'était à Berlin qu'il fallait se montrer et non à Paris.
Sorry for my brocken english !